Thursday, January 16, 2014

Eleuthera bound!

Just a quick post to let you know that our algae issue is under control and Kiawah's engine is purring like a kitten.  Or maybe a lion.  Diesel engines never purr like kittens.  After an afternoon bathing in fuel, Scott and I had the tank siphoned out and cleaned of algae sludge. Nice to have that behind us!

the fuel tank

clean diesel off the top

dirty diesel off the bottom

We are going to take advantage of a good weather/wind window and leave the Abaco islands for Eeluthera.  This will be a full day crossing (about 50 nautical miles).  Tomorrow looks good for this and there are several other boats staging to go as well.  One boat, Winsome, we met in Palm Beach and have kept in touch with as we've traveled.  Eleuthera will be a little less developed than where we've been traveling.  I hope to be able to find internet connections so I can keep blogging regularly.

We've spent the last couple of nights in beautiful Hope Town Harbor.  Such a sweet and friendly little town with pastel painted houses and narrow hibiscus flower lined streets.  It's a hard place to leave.  Our friends, the Guinness family, call this harbor home and Morning Star has a mooring here for the winter.  They were kind enough to be our tour guides while we've been here.  Here are some pictures of our latest adventures.
Hope Town Light

Melissa and Bella showing us the Atlantic side of Elbow Cay (Hope Town)

Snorkeling off Johnny's Key

Wren is a great driver!
Ri finally gets to use her 24' rope ladder she made on the crossing

Needle fish jaw

Me, admiring Tiloo cut off of Tahiti Beach

It never gets old

K, kite suppin'

Scott, sail suppin'

Five girls and a net.  Look out minnows!
Scott's snapper cakes.  Delicious!

Follow along with us on the Spot, and hopefully we won't take a detour to the south Pacific again. Those seas were rough!  

Hugs and love to all,
The Frallards


  1. Hey Frallards! What an amazing adventure you're having. Loving all this blogging you and the girls are doing. Thanks for keeping us posted and love to all! xo Lindy

  2. Hi all,

    We tried calling you on the radio this morning as we left but couldn't hail you. We left the Junkanoo early because we were wiped out by our walk to the preserve (which was great; you were right!). Hopefully we'll see you in the Exumas. Also, thanks for the bucket and shovel. They look new; hope you didn't buy it because the other bucket we left with Wren was really old and we have tons. If so, you can have it back when we see you next. You can never have too many buckets on a boat.

    Matt, Jen, Conrad and Mark
    svperrysails at gmail dot com

  3. Hi Wren. How are you? You have some very cool pictures up. My favorite one is the caterpillar. It is so big. I have never seen a caterpillar like that before. It it is really cold here. On February 4, it was only 10 degrees when I got up to go to school. I hope you have fun,
    - Kaitlyn
