Thursday, May 29, 2014


Lobster traps?
Rockweed on the anchor chain?
The smell of wood-smoke and lilacs wafting into our anchorage?
Freezing our butts off?

We have landed in Maine!  Portland, to be exact.  We're anchored just off the Old Port.  Enjoying the city, visiting with Scott's brother and family, and trying to catch up on BLOGS!  Remember those things the kids and I used to write?  Well, operating under the assumption that old news is better than no news, we have many more tales and photos to share of our adventures since leaving Myrtle Beach.  I'll post what I can today from the library (looks like only one), and more next week when we are visiting with Scott's family on MDI and Holden.  So check back soon.

If the weather cooperates, we should be rolling into Gleason's Cove in Perry on June 14.

It's feels good to be... home-ish!

Portland Head Light welcomes us into the harbor after a LONG day of rolling seas and no wind.  Bad combo.
Cold, rainy dinghy ride to take HOT SHOWERS at the marina
Almost there!


  1. Natty Light and Yellow Tail waiting for you at MDI. Can't wait to see everyone. Call me at work or on my cell when you drop anchor. I'll drive down and give you a warm welcome.
    Oh 207 if you forgot Maine's area code, ha!
