Sunday, June 8, 2014


Hey, folks!

Just posted four blogs below, and one on Ri's page.  Scroll down to read them in chronological order.

Having fun visiting with family at "camp" (Scott's folks house in Holden).  Especially enjoying the newest member of the family, Henry, who is going to be two in July.

Readin' with Ri
Blowing bubbles with Wren
I really need to get a tripod.

Also, dealing with a stuck break caliper on our van.  It seems that vehicles, like people, get stiff when they sit still for too long. Scott, of course, has it under control, and will be replacing the part tomorrow.

And Riley had a great 12th birthday yesterday!  Here are some pictures:

I made a lemon cake with custard filling.  She insisted on decorating it herself.  I told her people don't usually decorate their own birthday cake.  She said she didn't care.

Note the missing frosting on the side of the cake.  Baxter, Mike's Bernese mountain dog, apparently doesn't like lemon.  He probably could have done a lot more damage than this.
Henry likes lemon.
Hoping to hop back on Kiawah (who is resting in Somesville harbor) on Tuesday.  Let's hope for good weather this week so we can make it home for the 14th!

Cheers all,

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